Yearly license of the Nacex module for Prestashop

Automatize your shipments with Nacex in PrestaShop as much as possible with our module.


PrestaShop 1.4 PrestaShop 1.5 PrestaShop 1.6

Data sheet

All 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 versions
PrestaShop 1.4
PrestaShop 1.5
PrestaShop 1.6

Module description

You won't believe what we have developed: process all your orders with just one click, you don't have to fill forms, papers or creating labels. Everything is done by clicking a button. The module will communicate Nacex, create the labels PDF, add the tracking number and change the order status. The changes of order status will be automated, changing to "delivered" status automatically.


- Multi subscriber.
- Multi service, delivery on Saturday, 8-10h...
- All is automated, you don't need to write anything.
- Nacex will be noticed for picking up the order.
- The order will change to "delivered" status when it is delivered.
- Tracking from the back office and the client account.
- Official Nacex Labels or customized.
- Self generated slip delivery.

Preguntas y Respuestas de Clientes

Lo sentimos, no hay resultados de búsqueda con esos términos.

¿Alguna duda? La resolveremos lo más rápido posible.

Confirmo que he leído y acepto la Política de Privacidad

Disculpe las molestias, ha ocurrido un error durante el envío de la consulta.
Usted debería aceptar la Política de Privacidad antes de continuar.
La consulta ha sido enviada correctamente. Por favor espere a que sea verificada.

We use our own and third party cookies for analytical and advertising purposes. See the Cookies Policy. You can learn more about what cookies we are using by clicking on Cookies settings.

Name Provider Function Expiration
PrestaShop-XPrestaShopCookies necesarias de PrestaShop que permiten el correcto funcionamiento de la tienda480 horas
PHPSESSIDCookie nativa de phpSe usa para establecer sesiones de usuario pasando datos de estado a través de una cookie temporal también conocida como Cookie de sesiónSesión
Name Provider Function Expiration
Name Provider Function Expiration
Name Provider Function Expiration
Facebook Pixel Facebook It allows to obtain statistics on the number of visits, sales, etc. that occur on the web. 3 months
Name Provider Function Expiration