Verified product ratings Module
With the Verified Product Ratings module your customers will be able to rate the products, which have already purchased in your store. This will help to improve the shopping experience for future customers, who will have more information at their disposal. In addition, you will improve your web positioning by making it easier for Google to rate your products using Rich Snippets.

Data sheet
- Version
- 1.1.13
- Compatibility
- Todas las versiones PrestaShop 1.7
- Responsive
- Yes
- PrestaShop 1.7
- Yes
Module description
Our Verified Product Ratings Module is fully configurable in order to fully adapt to your store's needs. These are the most relevant features of the module:
- Multistore: the module is fully compatible with multistores, allowing several options when sharing comments: share comments between all stores; share comments between stores in the same group; do not share comments between stores.
- Notification sending: allows you to configure the sending of notifications both to the store (to notify a new rating) and to the customer (to notify that they can rate certain products). To notify the customer that they can rate a product, the module can be configured to notify them automatically or with a delay of the preferred days.
- Comment moderation: you can activate this option to moderate comments before they become public and thus avoid all those that could be offensive or inappropriate.
- Statistics: our module offers store, category and product statistics based on the product ratings made by customers.
- Order Statuses: you can configure which order statuses will be valid to perform ratings.
- Guest Ratings: if this option is activated, customers who purchase as a guest will also be able to rate products.
- Import ratings: if you have our old rating module (Ratings module for PrestaShop) you will have the option to import all ratings into this new module so you don't lose them.
- Improved positioning: our module will help you improve the positioning of your online store thanks to the integration of Rich Snippets.
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